GoldBit Casino has decided to KYC with two organizations; Assuredefi and Pinksale. We have chosen two organizations because we want to ensure the safety and security of our players and our community.


GoldBit Casino is thrilled to announce that we are now KYC verified with Pinksale. This means that our players can now enjoy a safe and secure gaming experience, knowing that their identity and funds are protected. In addition to our commitment to responsible and fair gaming practices, we believe that our KYC verification with PinkSale will help us maintain our reputation as a trustworthy and reliable online casino. Our PinkSale KYC will:

  • Enhanced security measures to protect players' personal and financial information

  • Compliance with anti-money laundering (AML) regulations to prevent fraudulent activity

  • Peace of mind knowing that GoldBit Casino is committed to responsible and fair gaming practices.

  • Our increased trust and credibility will lead to stronger brand loyalty, and proactive measures prevent identity theft and other forms of fraud.

Assure Defi

Assure DeFi is a platform that provides coverage for DeFi protocols and their users against smart contract vulnerabilities and other risks. The platform offers transparent and affordable coverage options, and is backed by reputable insurance partners. Overall, Assure DeFi aims to mitigate the risks associated with the rapidly growing DeFi ecosystem, making it a potentially valuable resource for DeFi users. Assure Defi rates projects into three tiers:

  • Tier 1: Strong law enforcement with resources and capabilities to effectively legislate & pursue crypto-related cybercrime.

  • Tier 2: Moderately effective law enforcement, lacking some resources & capabilities to effectively pursue crypto-related cybercrime.

  • Tier 3: Law enforcement & legislative resources severely lacking. In most cases would prove ineffective at pursuing crypto-related cybercrime.

Assure Defi conducted a review of GoldBit Casino and classified us as Tier 1. Please click the link below for the full audit and tier information.

Last updated